The Oblong Box Shop Blog

We vended at Ink N Iron for the first and last time this year.
Next year it is changing format so I don't know that it will be the right show for us.
This year it was a 3 day festival featuring a ton of bands and every day the theme was different.

We held our first raffle which was a huge success! All you had to do was find Bettie BakesAlot
or Vixen Vana take a photo with them, post to Instagram with the #inkniron and you got a raffle
ticket. At 5pm we pulled the winner of the $100 Gift Certificate and I surprised the rest of the ladies
by pulling 3 more winners of Pinup Tops! We kind of shut down the vendor area for a bit which was amazing!

The lucky winner of the $100 Gift Certificate was Miss Sizzling Sweet Pea!

And Miss Ladybearcat along with 2 other girls won Pinup tops!

I also launched my first limited edition skirt at the event... The Pinstripe Hot Rod Skirt
The ladies quickly snatched them up and I got to see some of them out and about at the event...

I have to say I think the Shrunken Head skirt was made for this TOBS cutie! And her BFF
was rockin' the Stripe Skirt by Sourpuss!

At the end of the weekend poor Darrce Grace was tuckered out from slingin' skirts to beautiful TOBS cuties...

Thanks everyone for coming out and supporting my lil' shop! Maybe we will see you in
Nashville next year!!!!