pinup photoshoot ·
pinup pop up shop ·
san diego ·
tess munster ·
the oblong box shop ·
vintage shopping ·
The Pinup Pop Up Shop Re-cap

What an amazing day filled with so much love and collaboration! I really had the best experience of my life planning this show. The people involved went above and beyond to make the event successful. Tess Munster was one of the nicest and most gracious people I've ever met. She is an inspiration to me on how I want to be as a business woman. Watching her meet her fans was something that I will never forget. All the amazing vendors really made the show unique. I tried to bring together the best of the best. Most were local to San Diego with a few out of towners. San Diego definitely has some amazing talent in the vintage community!
Special thanks to PreFAB for holding my event. Ceci Rau for helping me with all the press. Jaime Corp for helping me in the booth. Tess Munster for coming down and doing this event based soley on my word that it would be fabulous. Felina Vie and Natasha Edwards for volunteering to help with the crowd control and the dressing rooms. I could'nt have pulled it off without all the amazing promotion and help of the vendors and volunteers... thank you all xoxo! LINK TO EVENT WITH VENDOR LIST
Created with flickr slideshow.