TOBS Corona Virus Update

Here at TOBS we are still working, working to help.
Its just me and my assistant and we are taking all the precautions necessary to ensure your order arrives safe and secure during this crazy time. We are a tad overwhelmed and are trying to keep things going in addition to taking care of our mental health.
When all this began I really didn't think it would be as bad as it has become. When things started to get scary I went into panic mode. After i cried, alot, I realized I can help. I can sew!
I wanted to do something. I couldn't just sit here and watch the world fall apart and do nothing. So instead of closing down and laying off my only employee I started making face masks. I have a whole room full of left over fabric just sitting there so I thought - why not? So I got to work.
I wanted to offer them to my customers but also I wanted to help those who cant help themselves. My mom is 77 and she lives with us so we have to get her groceries and run errands for her, she cant leave her house right now. All I started to think about was all the elderly who are in nursing care facilities and don't have the luxury of being on quarantine and having someone take care of them without worrying about getting the virus. So I came up with the donation program. For every 1 that I make I will donate 1 to my local nursing care facilities.
We will do that until I run out of fabric here at my studio.
Now onto other things.... things that are effecting our business...
Sourcing of fabric, inventory and accessories.
Most places are running on limited hours or are closed so getting the things we need are taking much longer. Some production has been pushed back & some pre-orders are taking longer than they should and I apologize for that. As soon as we get everything in we ship it right back out to you!
Also shipping is taking longer because all shipping services are also effected by the virus. USPS, UPS and DHL seem to be very overwhelmed and flights to over seas countries are becoming less and less so it takes longer to get packages to you.
And the prices of shipping have gone up as well, so we had to turn off the Free US shipping for now until things get a little back to normal.
We appreciate your patience during this difficult time! We are all in this together and I cannot wait for life to get back to normal.
Thank you for supporting my lil' shop,
Denialle Von Fitch